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Allowing 1/76th of the voters to appoint 1/76th of the Senate Upon invitation from the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters conducting an investigation into the conduct of the 2013 federal election and matters related thereto I, Philip Lillingston, publisher of the website Why Not Proportional Representation? request that the following proposals be taken into consideration.
Proposals Main Proposal: Senators no longer state based That the committee suggest to Parliament to pass legislation to hold a referendum to change the Australian Constitution to effect the following:
Complementary Proposal: Choice of Senate ballot paper for voters That if the reason the above proposals cannot be adopted is that it would make Senate ballot papers too large, the following suggestions be considered:
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Table of Remaining Contents
Supporting Arguments Winning through Preference Deals Over 40% of National Vote go to Preferences One of the main criticisms of the 2013 Senate election related to the preferential system of voting utilised. Where a person’s vote did not immediately become part of a quota to elect a candidate, it subsequently went into what may be called, a holding pattern of floating preference votes, which after various attempts, would eventually become part of a quota to elect someone, a candidate often way down on the list and not that well known, if at all, with the voting public. This, allegedly, is because small party preference choices are becoming motivated by strategy rather than what was previously ideological, where always giving your following preferences to the major party you were more aligned with, never won you a seat. While suggestions of making it even harder for small parties have been made to remedy this perceived problem, possibly the simplest of all has been ignored. Lower quotas = fewer preference votes Many of the political parties engaged in preference swap negotiations garner less than 2% of popular support, and yet by current law, to win a seat in the Senate, a quota of 14.3% of the vote must be accrued. At the last election 21 of the 36 states’ Senate vacancies were won on only primary vote quotas, meaning that the remaining 15 vacancies, over 40% of the vote, went into this preference-exchange, holding pattern, maze. The Problem of the High Quota But why does this quota have to be so high? Suppose there were a single zone, Australia-wide electorate for the Senate where all voters throughout the land were given the same white ballot paper to cast their vote. With 76 seats in the Australian Senate the natural quota is only 1.3%, a fraction of the existing artificial level, and small enough to ensure that almost all primary votes could in fact elect a candidate. Yes, there would still be some preference votes left over, but far less than the current 41% of the total. Reasons Given for High Quotas Rotating Electoral Periods A rotation system, as exists in most Australian PR electorates, is where at every election only half the seats are up of election, but for twice the electoral period, followed by at the next election, the remaining seats which would at that stage have completed their double electoral term. The alleged justification for this system is the stability it offers to the parliamentary house it is attached to. “An upper house elected by rotation, with only half of the members facing re-election each time, provides greater continuity of experience and stability. Elections [only] every three years can lead to short-term thinking and planning which may not be in the best interests of the nation” There are a number of problems with this defence:
Whether or not Parliament attains greater “needed” stability, one thing without doubt is that having only half the seats available at every election doubles the quota needed to win a seat. Multiple Electoral Zones The reason for not having the whole country as a single zone for proportional representation, but instead dividing it up into multiple member electorates, (apart from where commentators and politicians unashamedly declare it is to raise the quota so as to deny “extremist” and single issue parties representation) is allegedly to give the voter a compromise between PR and maintaining a (somewhat) local member. [It is interesting to note that the proportional representation house is always the one set aside for compromise and not the other. No major party politician has ever suggested that the upper house should have pure, one-zone proportional representation, while the lower house should use a compromise system of local member representation where, instead of one member per local electorate there should be, perhaps three, to accommodate differing points of view.] But why do we need this compromise here? The very meaning of compromise is to accommodate the interests of both parties. Are not the interests of single member voting and local area representation already fully accommodated in the House of Representatives anyway? In fact doubly accounted for considering it has twice as many representatives as the Senate. Summary The arguments made to defend high quotas, the “need” for both multiple zoning and rotating electoral periods, tend to ignore not only the loss of political representation for minorities but also the clarity and confidence gained from elections where preference dealing would play such little effect.
One Person - one Vote, Not Here: One Person - one Vote, There: One Person - Fourteen Votes In 1992 then Prime Minister Paul Keating described Senators as “unrepresentative swill”. Whether or not they were swill, he was certainly correct in describing them as unrepresentative. Allegedly to prevent the more populous states dominating the others, Section 7 of the constitution was included to ensure all states shall have equal numbers of Senators. In practice what this has meant is that a state such as Tasmania with a population of 500,000 has as many Senators as NSW with a population 14 times larger. This blatant violation of the tradition democratic concept of one-person-one-vote was meant to allow more members of parliament in the so called house of review to specifically act for and defend the smaller states. However in practice this has not happened. Politically alignment in the Senate for the last 60 years, if not longer, has strictly been with the nationally established political parties whether from small state or large. In name or in policy platform, there has rarely, if ever, been a “Small States Defender Party” represented in the Senate. Summary So if the Constitution were to be changed to rid us of these undemocratic sections we could have an electoral system for the Senate which not only granted every Australian citizen equal voting power, but also granted truly proportional and fair representation to both large parties and small. This done at the moderate cost of removing a constitutional attribute that has never been utilised anyway.
New Senate Ballot Papers Problem of Tablecloth Papers If the electoral system for the Senate were to be changed such that the natural 1.3% quota became the real and effective quota, then this would lead to a significant increase in the size of the white Senate ballot paper (the so-called tablecloth paper) to accommodate the expected increase in the number of candidates contesting future elections. To address this problem a solution could be to:
Below-the-line ballot papers These would be similar to traditional ballot papers except that the section for ‘above the line’ voting would have been removed. Above-the-line ballot papers The ballot paper would be of high gsm, hard paper similar to a TAB or Tattslotto card, where the voter would fill out only three boxes (see below), from three listings of the alphabet, to indicate a three letter code representing the candidate or political party he or she chooses. (eg. ALP, LIB, NAT, GRN, DLP) Cards would be read and sorted by optical character reader (OCR) sorting machines as in Post Office letter distribution centres, and grouped into bundles of (perhaps) 50 according to their respectively marked candidate. After sorting and counting, scrutiny would then consist of party scrutineers randomly choosing a bundle of fifty for an AEC checker to take to a table and, under scrutiny of interested parties, manually recount and check for affiliation.
Points of Note: Administration Costs
User Friendly
Concluding Summary
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Upon invitation from the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters conducting an inquiry into the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016, drafted to, amongst other initiatives, abolish Group Voting Tickets, I request that the following comments be taken into consideration. Philip Lillingston Publisher of the website Why Not Proportional Representation? Introduction Rather than suggest different solutions to the alleged problems in our Senate electoral system I would like to challenge the rationale behind these “problems” with respect to ATL voting. Executive Summary Winning with miniscule primary votes The primary vote count is irrelevant. In a preferential voting system the final count is the total of primary and secondary votes. A voter does not deserve to lose the franchise because their earlier choice was wasted due to insufficient other voters. Most voters don’t know where their preferences are going They don’t know only because they don’t bother to find out. Most voters trust the parties they vote for. Those who don’t can find out, or vote below the line. Senate voting … is overly complex For 97% of the population it is not. You simply make one tick above the line.
Alleged problems (re ATL voting) that need addressing Despite detailed government publications of the 2014 JSCEM inquiry into the 2013 election and the Explanatory Memorandum of the above mentioned bill, alleged problems relating to above-the-line voting that are in need of reform are not that easily to fully ascertain. For that reason, together with quotes from these documents I have included quotes from Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull and Special Minister of State Senator Mathias Cormann.
Winning on a low primary vote “the other issue of widespread community concern was the election of Senators in some states on a very low percentage of primary votes.” -JSCEM report 1.12 “Australians were astonished to see people elected to the Senate whose primary votes were a fraction in the case of one senator from Victoria, about 0.5 per cent of the vote.” -Prime Minister Turnbull Parliament house press conference 22/2/2016 Response The very nature of preferential voting One must ask, why are only the primary votes mentioned as though preferential votes are irrelevant? Whether by multiple elections or sequential voting, preferential voting, otherwise internationally known as choice, alternative or instant runoff voting, is very common throughout the democratic world. If a voter’s choice becomes ineligible due to lack of other support, preferential voting guarantees the voter another choice, as compared to kicking him or her out of the voting booth and telling them they no longer have a right to a democratic input. Winning micro party candidates accrue at least the requisite 14.28% of the vote, representing that percentage of the voters who want someone to represent them, even if that someone was not always their first choice. Under the new proposals it is estimated approximately two million votes will become exhausted and elect no one. How can we endorse a system that, whether intentional or not, punishes a voter by removing his or her right to representation, merely because their first few choices were not popular ones? Hypocrisy In the 1998 federal election Pauline Hanson won 36% of the primary vote in the seat of Blair, more than 10% ahead of the next placed candidate and even further ahead of the Liberal Party candidate Cameron Thompson. And yet, due to preference flows, it was Thompson who won the seat. One doesn’t seem to remember the Liberal Party then complaining about someone winning with only a fraction of the primary vote. It is one thing to complain and seek to abolish our preferential voting system because one believes the alternative, first-past-the-post, is superior. However it is nothing short of hypocrisy to complain of a basic attribute of preferential voting in areas where one electorally suffers, while accepting the system in other areas where one profits. Senate voting is overly complex “The bill thereby proposes to reduce the complexity of the Senate voting system” -Explanatory Memorandum Response No it isn’t. For over 96% of voters who vote above the line, you simply mark off one box and that’s it. It is even simpler than lower house, local member voting. To the degree that some people do find it so, reducing complexity is not a justification for effectively disenfranchising millions of people. Not knowing where your preferences flow “most voters are unlikely to understand, where their preferences flow when they vote above the line.” -Explanatory Memorandum “…a political party trades those votes away in secret without actually reflecting the true intention of the voter,” “[the reforms] will empower the voter to determine their preference” -Special Minister of State Senator Mathias Cormann. “[most voters don’t know where their votes are going] unless they bother to look up the Group Voting Tickets (GVT) on the AEC website.” -Prime Minister Turnbull
Response In secret, behind closed doors A very common sentiment in support of change is that small party GTVs are the product of secret, back room deals behind closed doors, done strictly to benefit the party operators irrespective of the “true intention of the voter”. This does seem to be a bit of a beat up. Unless the claim is that those party operatives take a bribe in exchange for their party taking a ‘dive’ facilitating another party winning, the goal of the small parties is to be successful at elections, utilizing whatever preference deals that offer that chance. It is hardly as though their ‘behind closed door’ actions can be compared to that of a criminal conspiracy. The result of their actions are not only not criminal, but also not secret.
Either mark below the line or trust your chosen party It is true that most voters don’t know where all their preferences flow, but how is this a problem, or at least a serious one deserving of such drastic changes to the system that most commentators believe would exhaust approximately 23% of the votes and thus leave that percentage of Australian voters unrepresented in the Senate. The premise behind this claim is that the average voter would like to scrutinise the GVT to check against ‘problem’ parties getting an earlier tick than warranted. However there is already accommodation for those voters who wish to control their full preference order; that being voting below the line voting. The above arguments presented seems to imply that after those voters who care, fill out below the line, and the other voters also care, but just happen to fill out above the line anyway. But this is a contradiction. If a voter votes above the line it means they trust the party they give their support to. Why should this be so hard to believe? The motive behind parties enumerating their Group Voting Tickets (GVT) is strategic. They arrange deals with other parties to maximise their chances. The supporter wants their party to win so obviously they will accept what their party advises. In contemporary times micro parties advise preferencing almost any small party to a major one as it gives them a chance of victory as compared to guaranteed failure if a larger party is in the shortlist. It is a highly spurious argument to claim the system allowing small parties to occupy a seat at the nation’s forum must be abolished because their voters don’t know who they are voting for. Those that trust their chosen parties don’t care, and those that do care can vote below the line anyway. It is the Liberal Party of Australia which is introducing legislation to address this “fault in the system” whereby voters generally do not know where their preferences are heading. The obvious implication is that the Liberal Party is concerned that voters, to a degree, are voting blind, concerned enough to change the voting procedure which per chance will just happen to, according to most commentators, increase the Liberal Party’s numbers in the Senate. But if one looks at lower house ‘how to vote’ cards printed by the Liberal Party for recent federal elections, it is very interesting to note that nothing is done to enlighten their own supporters as to where their preferences will flow. When listing the order of voting they want their supporters to follow (from one to, on average, nine in a certain order), all information given on the card is the candidate’s name beside the box to number, while party affiliation is left out. Doing such would not be that difficult considering lesser resourced parties such as, Australian Christians, Secular Party of Australia, Rise Up Australia, Bullet Train for Australia, Katter’s Australian Party, and even some independents, do give affiliations for every name on their preference list.
Thus we are asked to believe the Liberal Party is doing this because they care that average Australian voters are kept fully aware, yet the Liberals themselves, unlike many independents or micro parties, don’t even keep their own supporters informed of where their preferences would be going?
Summation Excluding the marginal voters -versus- input for all The virtue of the current system for Senate voting is that, subject to informal votes, practically every voter can have an effect upon the outcome. In final vote counting undertaken by the AEC, the ballot papers are passed on from one preferenced candidate to the next in order, until finally, in conjunction with enough others to make a quota, they find a home and elect a candidate. For an Australian who has gone to the trouble of attending a polling place, waited in line, gone through the formalities and then made your considered primary vote and your party’s considered preference votes, to have your 87th preference elect a candidate is still a better feeling than for your vote to mean absolutely nothing. Under the proposed changes for voting above the line, the usual choice for over 96% of voters, there will be a maximum limit of six boxes to number, which will mean that voters not enamoured with the major parties will in all probability have their vote exhausted when their (from) twelfth to thirtieth preference vote for micro parties still elects no one. If voter intention is the same as the last election, this would relate to approximately three million Australians who would be denied an input into the appointment of Senators. The cure that is worse than the disease So what we are left with is the “problem” that certain voters who endorse micro parties put their trust in their associated Group Voting Tickets even though they might not have bothered to go to the trouble of finding out where their preferences flow. And the solution to said problem is to deny those voters the right to indicate simply, with one mark, that their list of preferences is concordant with their chosen party, a prohibition which is to effectively disenfranchise them.
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